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Hitchin’ Your Gear to You: Our Trail Time

Here at Tactical Cowboy Outdoors, we’re committed to moseyin’ your firearms, accessories, and gear to you quicker than a jackrabbit on a hot griddle. Most of our parcels ride out on the same or next day, but we’re askin’ you to tip your hat to a trail time of 3-5 business days for certain occasions.

Reasons for the Trail Time:

Maker’s Rules: Some goods we peddle can’t take a direct trail from our suppliers to your homestead due to the maker’s rules. In these instances, rest assured we’re taking extra strides to ensure your parcel reaches you in prime condition. Your item first trots to our outpost, where we gear it up meticulously for its final ride to you.

Firearm Shipments: Orders packin’ firearms get our full attention and respect to the letter of the law. We tip our hats to your patience as we wrangle with the necessary paperwork from the transferring Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder. This step ensures that every gun is above board and ready to be sent your way.

Our Pledge:

Though there might be a short wait on account of the reasons above, know that we’re spurring our horses to speed up the process without skimping on quality or breaking any laws. We get it, having your order in hand posthaste is crucial, and we’re hell-bent on making that happen while sticking to the code of the west and legal boundaries.

Staying Updated:

Through the trail time, we’ll keep you posted about the status of your order. You’ll receive word as your gear moves through our ranks, giving you the ease of knowing your equipment is en route.

Got Questions or Quibbles?

If any questions or concerns are nagging you about your order’s trail time, don’t balk at reaching out to our amiable customer support crew. We’re here to lend a hand and provide any updates you might be hankerin’ for.

Much obliged for picking Tactical Cowboy Outdoors for your firearm and gear needs. Your contentment is our aim, and we value your patience as we work to ensure a smooth and law-abiding order procession.